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theatrical dystopia based on motifs by Philip K. Dick

"Strangely enough, the owls were the first to die. Back then, it had almost looked funny how the fat, fluffy white birds were lying everywhere in the gardens and on the streets."

A vision of the future in which humanity does not recognize itself. A bounty hunter in an existential crisis. An android with a plan. The world is sinking into Kippel - and those who cannot leave the earth must come to terms with the radioactive dust and the emptiness.

"The silence actually seems to emanate from every object you have in front of your eyes. It penetrates not only your ears, but also your eyes. It spreads without any restraint."

from 10 years


Lena Wimmer

acting people

Leo, Rosa, Finn, Emil, Klara, Ginny, Alessa, Zoey-Mia, Margarita, Helene


17. November 2023

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