schauspiel ü12
- has existed since 2005
- was founded and is led by the qualified actor Michael Morche
- is a theater group for people aged 12 to 20
- is currently between 12 and 20 years old and has 13 members
- rehearses on Fridays at 4 p.m.
The offer is aimed at young people between 12 and 18 years old. In addition to the classic practice and staging repertoire of a theater youth club, the group mainly develops adaptations of literary works and carries out independent directing work accompanied by the group leader. The focus of the work is on the connection between language and the engagement with characters and their attitudes, whereby the participants learn to express themselves authentically and with empathy for characters and processes in an artistic context. The pedagogical focus is on accompanying and strengthening the participants both as players and in their personalities. Due to the diverse age, gender and social structure of the group, there is a strong transfer of skills between the members.